主页>民族之窗 > 塔塔尔族








璇 杨林坤

塔塔尔族是中国 56 个民族之一, 中华民族大家庭的一员。“塔塔尔”,  是塔塔尔 tatar的汉语翻译名词。唐代汉文文称其为“达旦”, 之后文献里出现的“达达”、 达怛” “达靼” “鞑靼”等, 都是“塔塔尔”的不同音译。 中华人民共和国成立后, 依 照本民族广大群众的意愿,“塔塔尔”一词正式成为中文书写的族别称谓。

The Tatar people is one of the 56 recognized ethnicities in China and is an integral part of the Chinese national family. The term Tatar is the Chinese translation of the word "tatar" from the Tatar language. In Chinese literature from the Tang dynasty, they were referred to as “Dadan” (达旦). Subsequent documents feature terms like “Dada” (达达) ,“Dadan” (达怛), “Datan” (达靼), and “Datang” (鞑靼), all of which are different phonetic translations of the term “Tatar.” After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, in line with the wishes of the majority of the Tatar community, the term “Tatar” was formally designated as the Chinese ethnonym for this ethnic group.




塔塔尔族人口共有3544人(2021年),是我国人口较少的民族之一。塔塔尔族属于蒙古人种西伯利亚 类型, 生活在我国新疆地区,散居在天山北部地区,主要分布在伊犁哈萨克自治州、昌吉回族自治州、乌鲁木齐市等区。其中,昌吉回族自治州奇台县大泉塔塔尔族乡是全国唯一的塔塔尔民族乡。

I. Population and distribution


The Tatar people,classified under the Siberian subtype of the Mongolian race, has a population of 3,544 (as of 2021), making them one of China's smaller ethnic groups. Predominantly residing in Xinjiang, they're spread across the northern regions of the Tianshan Mountains. Their main settlements are in the Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, the Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Changji, and the city of Urumqi. Notably, Daquan Tatar People Township in Qitai County of the Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Changji stands as the sole Tatar people township in China.





II. History and development

The Tatars possess a long and storied history, evolving from the union of numerous tribes over extended periods. Major tribal groups that formed the Tatar people include the Bulgars (also known as the Bulghar people), the Kipchaks, and the Mongols.


13 世纪初,成吉思汗孙拔都在伏尔加河一带建立了横跨欧亚大陆的钦察汗国(也称 金帐汗国)。保加尔人、钦察人和鞑靼人等均为其属民,之后统称为塔塔尔。15 世纪,金帐汗国趋于瓦解, 在伏尔加河、卡马河流域,建立以保加尔人为主体的喀山汗国,他们与钦察人、鞑靼人和蒙人相互融合,逐渐形成塔塔尔人。塔塔尔人19世纪初陆续进入我国新疆地区。长期以来,塔塔尔族与汉族、维吾尔族、哈萨克族、乌孜别克族等各民族交往、交流、交融,其文化早已深深扎根于中华文明的沃土之中,成为中华民族的组成部分,与其他各民族一道诠释铸牢中华民族共同体的华美篇章。

In the early 13th century, Batu Khan, Genghis Khan's grandson, established the Kipchak Khanate (often referred to as the Golden Horde) that spanned the vast expanses of Europe and Asia near the Volga River. This khanate encompassed various tribes, including the Bulgars, Kipchaks, and Tatars. Subsequently, these tribes were collectively termed 'Tatars'. By the 15th century, as the Golden Horde began its decline, the Kazan Khanate arose in the regions surrounding the Volga and Kama rivers. Dominated mainly by the Bulgars, it witnessed the merging of the Kipchaks, Tatars, and Mongols, which led to the distinct formation of the Tatar people.

Starting from the early 19th century, the Tatars commenced their migration into the Xinjiang region of China. Over the decades, they've engaged in deep cultural exchanges and integration with other ethnicities, such as the Han, Uyghur, Kazakh, and Uzbek people. Their culture, enriched by these interactions, has taken root in the fertile grounds of Chinese civilization. The Tatars now stand as a vital component of the broader Chinese national mosaic, jointly contributing to the shared narrative and identity of the Chinese nation.




中华人民共和国成立后塔塔尔人在社会的各行各业都为实现中国特色社会主义现代化而努力奋斗。昌吉州奇台县大泉塔塔尔族乡成立于 1989 年 7 月,是全国唯一的塔塔尔民族乡。

III. Socio-economic Development and Modes of Production

Since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the Tatars have worked tirelessly across diverse sectors in pursuit of socialist modernization imbued with Chinese characteristics. The Daquan Tatar  People Township, situated in Qitai County of Changji Prefecture, was inaugurated in July 1989, marking it as the singular Tatar People Township throughout China.


全乡土地面积约1400平方公里,其中草场162.4万亩。大泉乡地势北低南高,大致分为南部天山牧业区和北部大泉湖农业区两部分。南部天山牧业区从东往西四条沟依次分布着4个牧业村,主要发展畜牧业; 北部大泉湖农业区分布着3个农业村和4个牧业村的定居点,主要从事种植业生产,主要农作物有小麦、玉米、甜菜等。农家乐旅游等第三产业发展与出现了热潮。

The entire township spans an area of approximately 1,400 square kilometers, inclusive of a grassland covering 1.624 million mu. The terrain is characterized by its lower elevations in the north and higher elevations in the south. Broadly, the township is segmented into two primary regions: the Mount Tianshan Pastoral Region in the south and the Daquan Lake Agricultural Area in the north. The Mount Tianshan Pastoral Region houses four pastoral villages, laid out from east to west, primarily dedicated to livestock farming. Conversely, the Daquan Lake Agricultural Area in the north consists of three agricultural villages and settlement points for four pastoral villages, where the primary activity is crop farming. Predominant crops here include wheat, corn, and sugar beet. Additionally, the rise of tertiary industries, notably agritourism, has become a prominent trend in the township.




塔塔语属阿尔泰语系突厥语族克普恰克语支,是在保加尔语和克普恰克语的基础上发展形成的。古回鹘语、喀卡尼亚语、古乌孜别克语都对它产生过影响。从20世纪中叶开,塔塔尔族对原有的塔塔尔文进行了改革。现代塔塔尔文语音由 10 个元音单位、24 个辅音音位组成。

IV. Language and script

The Tatar language falls under the Qypchaq branch of the Turkic language family within the broader Altaic linguistic group. It has evolved primarily from the Bulgar and Qypchaq languages, with influences from the ancient Uyghur, Karakhanid, and old Uzbek languages. Starting from the mid-20th century, the Tatar people began reforming the original Tatar script. The phonetics of the modern Tatar language consist of 10 vowel sounds and 24 consonantal phonemes.


我国塔尔族生活在一个多语言并存的环境下,多语兼用是其语言的特色。 一般在民族内部流时使用本民族语言,同时又兼用国家通用语、 哈萨克语、维吾尔语等多种语言。

In China, the Tatar community thrives in a multilingual setting, making multilingualism a distinguishing characteristic of their linguistic behavior. While they typically converse in the Tatar language amongst themselves, they are also proficient in various languages, including the nation's official language, as well as Kazakh and Uyghur languages.

  • 教育、医疗、体育
  • 教育

根据 2021 年第七次全国人口普查数据,塔塔尔族人口为 3544 人,其中高级知识分子有



大泉塔塔尔族乡中心小学始建于1984年,是全国唯一一所塔塔尔民族小学。学校占地面积 3 万多平方米,现有 11个教学班,在校生 319 名,教职工 56 人。学校中心位置是广场国旗杆,旗杆后有一幢两层教学楼。教室宽敞明亮,每间教室都配备了多媒体备。学校走廊上张贴学生以爱党爱国、各民族团结友爱为主题创作的绘画、摄影、诗歌、作文等作

V. Education, health care, and sports

(i) Education

According to the data from the seventh national population census in 2021, the population of the Tatar people stands at 3,544, with 350 of them being highly educated intellectuals. This makes the Tatar one of the ethnic groups in China with a higher level of education.

The Central Primary School in Daquan Tatar People Township, established in 1984, is the only primary school in the country dedicated to the Tatar people. The school spans over 30,000 square meters and currently has 11 teaching classes, accommodating 319 students with a staff of 56. The focal point of the school is a square featuring the national flag pole, situated in front of a two-story academic building. Classrooms are spacious and well-lit, each equipped with multimedia devices. The school's corridors are adorned with student artwork, which centers on themes of patriotism, love for the party and nation, and unity and friendship among various ethnicities.


(二)  医疗

大泉塔塔尔族乡卫生院位于乡政府南侧 500 米左右,院内有一栋朝南两层高的白色拱顶建筑。该卫生院兼具门诊开药和住院治疗两大功能。大厅是一个不规则圆形区域,地面由红白两色砖块交错拼贴而成, 墙面由淡蓝色和白色粉刷而成。 大厅右侧是 B 超室和眼科门诊, 左侧的通道里是其他科室的门诊。楼梯在大厅正中间, 二楼是中医特色诊室和住院输液区。这所卫生院主要为大泉塔塔尔族乡居民提供日常医疗保健服务。

(ii) Health care

The Daquan Tatar People Township Health Center is positioned approximately 500 meters south of the township government. Within its premises stands a white, two-story building with a characteristic arch-shaped roof. This health center functions both as an outpatient prescription service and an in-patient treatment facility. Its main hall boasts an irregular circular design with a flooring pattern made up of alternating red and white tiles, and walls painted in light blue and white. To the right of the hall, one can find the Ultrasound Room B and the Ophthalmology Outpatient Department, while the corridor on the left leads to other medical departments. A centrally located staircase grants access to the second floor, housing the Traditional Chinese Medicine consultation rooms and the in-patient infusion area. The primary role of this health center is to provide regular medical and healthcare services to the residents of the Daquan Tatar People Township.


(三)  体育

新疆塔塔尔族传统体育项目中很多是由生产劳动的一些场景逐渐演变而来的,通过与其 他民族文化的交往、交流、交融,体育项目变得更加丰富多彩,如农闲时节会举行摔跤、爬竿、套麻袋跑等比赛,以娱乐的目的。塔塔尔族是一个以骑马闻名的民族,在撒班节会举行赛走马、赛奔马等比赛,充分展现了塔塔尔族群众爱好体育运动的特点。

(iii) Sports

In Xinjiang, many of the Tatar people's traditional sports have roots in various labor and production activities. Over time, and through interaction, exchange, and integration with other cultures, these sports have diversified. For instance, during agricultural downtime, events like wrestling, pole climbing, and sack racing are held for recreational purposes. The Tatar people, known for their proficiency in horse riding, also commemorate the Saban Festival. During this celebration, they organize various competitions that highlight their sporting inclinations, such as horse walking races, sprinting horse races, and jumping races.



塔尔族其先民最初信仰原始宗教后来相继信仰祆教、摩尼教、景教等。当伊斯兰教传入后, 宗教信仰转变为以伊斯兰教为主,多种宗教信仰并存, 还有些塔塔尔人不信仰宗教或信仰其他宗教。


VI. Beliefs and taboos

Historically, the Tatar ancestors were rooted in primitive religions, later transitioning through Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, and Nestorianism. However, with the introduction of Islam, a major shift occurred in their religious orientation, leading many to embrace Islam as their primary faith. This resulted in a diverse religious tapestry among the Tatar people, with some practicing multiple religions, while others are non-religious or follow different faiths.

Their cultural taboos and conventions are reflective of a deep respect for their environment and surroundings. For instance, they strictly refrain from washing clothes near water bodies such as pools, wells, or dams. Bathing or swimming inside a dam is also prohibited. Inside their homes, there's a strong aversion to using the indoor spaces for relieving oneself. On a social note, jesting with one's children is frowned upon. Furthermore, it's deemed inappropriate to relieve oneself or discard dirty water in the vicinity of homes or graveyards. These conventions underline the Tatar community's pronounced commitment to environmental protection and their advocacy for a harmonious relationship between mankind and nature.




塔尔族的妇女爱好刺绣,她们绣出的绣品色彩艳丽、针法清晰、层次分明以精巧传神著称。塔塔尔族主要在帽子、坎肩、披肩、 腰带、套、连衣裙等用品上刺绣各种花卉图案

生活习俗的影响下, 新疆塔塔尔族刺绣纹饰有写实性和抽象性的植物纹样。在图案的组合上, 采用方格纹、树纹和菱格纹等几何纹样,刺绣图案不论写实、写意都以植物枝叶、花卉多子果实为素材,画面布局富有韵律感。刺绣图案主要为植物枝蔓缠绕的卷草纹样等线性纹样与周边几何纹线条的结合;刺绣品的外沿衔接有蓬松的流苏,给人以动静结合的美感。

VII. Art

(i) Embroidery

Women of the Tatar tribe are passionate about embroidery, creating pieces known for their vibrant colors, clear stitch work, and distinct layering. These intricacies give their embroideries a well-deserved reputation. The Tatar primarily adorn items such as hats, waistcoats, shawls, belts, kettle covers, and dresses with intricate floral designs.

Influenced by their daily customs, the Tatar embroidery in Xinjiang features both realistic and abstract plant motifs. Their designs often incorporate geometric patterns like squares, tree motifs, and diamonds. The embroideries typically draw inspiration from plant stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits, presenting them in layouts that exude a rhythmic flow. The main designs showcase plant vines and other linear patterns intertwined with geometric outlines. The edges of these embroidered pieces are frequently adorned with fluffy tassels, offering a beautiful balance of motion and stillness.



  ()  音乐


塔塔尔族的民歌优美动听, 歌曲《天鹅进行曲》《白河边》等,尤为各民族群众青睐传唱经久不衰。塔塔尔族民间音乐主要受到中国传统音乐体系的影响,同时也受到哈萨克族民间音乐自然小调与和声小调的影响

塔塔尔族民间乐器有手风琴、 七弦琴、库涅依、科比斯等。奇台县大泉村的塔塔尔村民喜欢使用手风琴和冬不拉。手风琴是一种既能独奏,又能伴奏的键盘乐器,不仅能够演奏单声部的优美旋律,还可以演奏多声部的乐曲, 更可以如钢琴一样双手演奏丰富的和声。冬不拉弹唱塔塔尔人民最喜爱的艺术表演形式,演唱者既可用于自弹自唱,也可用于独奏或乐器合奏,表现力非常丰富。而且它轻便,易于携带,可随时演奏,故深受人们的喜爱。

(ii) Music

The Tatar folk songs are melodious and heartwarming. Tunes such as the "Swan March" and "Beside the White River" remain evergreen, cherished by multiple ethnic groups. The musical heritage of the Tatar is deeply rooted in the traditional Chinese music system but also borrows elements from the natural and harmonic scales of Kazakh folk music.

Among the instruments favored by the Tatar are the accordion, the heptachord, kunieyi, and kebisi. In Daquan Village of Qitai County, Tatars often play the accordion and the dombra. The accordion, a versatile keyboard instrument, is adept at both solo and accompaniment roles. It can render melodies in singular or multiple parts, allowing for the creation of intricate harmonies much like a piano. Dombra performances, often combined with singing, are particularly loved by the Tatar community. This instrument is expressive, compact, and portable, making it an ideal choice for spontaneous performances, and thus, holds a special place in their hearts.


  (三)  舞蹈


塔塔尔族舞蹈动作灵巧、活泼,观赏性极强。塔塔尔族舞蹈还具有广泛的群众性, 在节日喜庆时人们还会举行舞蹈比赛。例如, 每到撒班节等节日时, 只要听到手风琴的伴奏声, 塔塔尔族人即会情不 禁地唱跳起来。其中青年人喜欢急速跳错步、开合步、蹲踢步、矮子步等; 老年人喜用错步、 错踮步、挥巾步等。舞蹈可男女对舞,亦可集体围成圆圈而跳,风格活泼。

(iii) Dance

The dances of the Tatar people are characterized by their agile and lively movements, making them exceptionally captivating to watch. Moreover, Tatar dances enjoy widespread participation among the community, with dance competitions often held during festive occasions. For instance, during festivals like the Saban Festival, upon hearing the accompaniment of an accordion, the Tatar people are instinctively moved to sing and dance. Young Tatars particularly enjoy dance moves like rapid missteps, open-close steps, squat-kick steps, and "dwarf steps." In contrast, the older generation prefers moves such as missteps, incorrect tiptoe steps, and towel-waving steps. The dance can be performed in pairs, with a male and female counterpart, or collectively in a circle, radiating a vibrant and spirited style.




  (一)  服饰


塔塔尔男性上身喜欢穿宽袖领、对襟开胸、领边和袖口上绣有“十”字花纹或花草纹样的 白衬衫,外加黑色齐腰的坎肩,或者是黑长衫,腰扎皮带。裤子一般是黑色,宽裆紧腿。夏天他们喜欢戴黑色、黑白两色或绿、橙、紫红色的丝绒头巾,冬天则戴黑色卷毛皮帽。塔塔尔女性喜欢穿紧腿裤和宽大的下边带皱边的连衫长裙子,上装袖口较小,颜色多白、、绛色。脚上多穿皮鞋。她们还喜欢戴镶有珍珠的丝绒小花帽,少妇和年长的妇女还在小帽上披丝头巾,或用耳环、手镯、戒指、项链、胸针等物品装扮自己有时她们还用质地细、柔软舒适的绸缎或羊呢料剪裁成连衣褶裙,上身再搭配金丝绒紧身披肩,风姿绰,美丽动人。

VIII. Food, clothing, and shelter

(i) Clothing

Tatar men prefer white shirts with wide sleeves and straight collars, characterized by embroideries of cross patterns or floral designs on the collar and cuffs. Over these shirts, they wear black waistcoats that reach the waist or full-length black robes, and these are often cinched at the waist with belts. Their trousers are typically black, featuring a broad crotch but tight-fitting legs. In the summer, they favor velvet turbans in shades such as black, black and white, green, orange, or burgundy. Come winter, they switch to black curly fur hats. Tatar women tend to wear leggings paired with wide, frill-edged floor-length dresses. Their tops, which feature smaller cuffs, mainly come in white, yellow, or crimson hues. They often sport leather shoes on their feet. They also have a penchant for small velvet hats adorned with pearls. Younger and older women alike often complement these hats with silk scarves and embellish themselves with accessories like earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, and brooches. At times, they might fashion dresses out of exquisite, soft silk or wool, paired with golden velvet shawls, presenting an elegant and captivating appearance.


  (二)  饮食


塔尔族的饮食文化多姿多彩, 常用食材有牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鱼,还有鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉塔塔尔族主食习惯吃用肉、面、大米、土豆做的“卡特卡特”,还有“烤面饼”、 抓饭、拌面、他们食用的蔬菜主要有土豆、南瓜、番茄、白菜、洋葱、胡萝卜等。最富有特色的风味食品是“古巴地亚”和“卡巴克阿什”。“古巴地亚”是将大米洗后晾干, 覆奶油、杏干、葡萄干, 再放在火炉中烤制而成的一种饼,其味香甜可口。“卡巴克阿什”做法与“古巴地亚”相同,只不过盛饭容器是南瓜,再加入米和肉。

塔塔尔妇女善于制作各种糕点,她们做出来的糕点,不仅味美可口、品种繁多, 而且形状很美观。塔塔尔族除喜欢饮用各类茶以,还喜欢喝马奶和驼奶。受到当地人普遍喜爱的饮料是卡瓦斯”和“克赛勒”卡瓦斯类似啤酒,是用蜂蜜和啤酒花发酵后酿制而成的;克赛勒是用野葡萄酿制而成的酒。

(ii) Food

The Tatar culinary culture is diverse and colorful. Their diet often comprises beef, mutton, chicken, duck, fish, eggs, milk, and flour. A common staple in Tatar cuisine is "kate kate", a dish made from meat, noodles, rice, and potatoes. They also relish dishes like baked pastries, pilaf, noodles mixed with a sauce, and naan. Vegetables frequently consumed include potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, and carrots. Two uniquely Tatar dishes stand out: göbädiä and kabakeashi. Göbädiä is a delicacy where clean, dried rice is layered with cream, dried apricots, and raisins, then baked to perfection, resulting in a delightfully sweet taste. Kabakeashi, on the other hand, is similarly prepared but uses a pumpkin shell as a container, adding rice and meat to the mix. Tatar women excel in crafting a variety of pastries, notable not just for their taste but also for their aesthetic appeal. While they are aficionados of different tea varieties, they also have a taste for horse and camel milk. Locally, two beverages quas and kesaile are particularly popular. Quas is akin to beer, brewed from the fermentation of honey and hops, while kesaile is a wine made from wild grapes.


(三)  民居

塔塔尔族在农牧区的房屋多用土坯、砖块、木材、石块等材料建筑,有土房、木房之分。 房顶为“人”字形, 上盖铁皮,刷绿色或其他颜色的油漆;也建平顶屋,上有很厚的草泥。房屋从整体结构上看,呈长方体的平顶房,在屋顶饰以多层次的黄色砖或青色砖,在墙基上亦砌上明显的有色砖进行装饰,给单调的房屋镶上优美的轮廓线。民居的窗户上也饰有图案,有的呈“山”字形,状如皇冠, 清新自然。

塔塔尔族民居多是套间,房外一般都建有围墙, 自成院落。院内种植树木、花草, 修有小道、走廊, 建有厕所、棚圈、菜窖等。

(iii) Shelter

In the agricultural and pastoral areas, the Tatar community predominantly constructs their homes using materials like mudbrick, brick, timber, and stone. These dwellings are distinguished as either earth houses or log houses. A common roofing style is the herringbone pattern, overlaid with iron sheets that are often painted green or other colors. There's also a prevalent flat-roof design, which is substantially layered with grass and mud for insulation. Architecturally, these residences usually showcase a rectangular form, with flat roofs highlighted by multiple tiers of either yellow or blue bricks. Additionally, the foundation walls are embellished with vividly colored bricks, introducing an elegant outline to the otherwise simplistic houses. The house windows are often accented with intricate designs, some resembling the Chinese character for "mountain" or shapes reminiscent of crowns, exuding a touch of regality and freshness.

Most Tatar residences adopt a suite-like design, encompassed by exterior walls that lead into individual courtyards. These enclosed spaces are brought to life with trees, flowering plants, and grasses. Within these courtyards, residents lay out walkways, corridors, and often establish amenities like toilets, shelters, and vegetable storage pits.



九、  节日礼俗



塔塔尔奇台县大泉塔塔尔族乡的青年结婚时,一般在宴会厅举行典礼。新郎新娘和他们的朋友一起,从婚车上下来,在手风琴演奏者欢快的音乐声中进入宴会厅。此时,宴会厅门口已经站好了迎接的队伍宴会厅里面还坐着新人家中德高望重的亲属。新人面向他们行礼问好, 双方进行友好的拥抱。伴随着司仪播放的乐曲, 婚礼正式开始。一位新娘的女性长辈向台上的新人及其重要亲属抛撒糖果,寓意将幸福与喜悦传递给更多的人。新人聆听长辈教诲之后共饮一杯蜂蜜水,象征婚后生活如蜜般甜蜜。婚结束,娱乐活动开始。音乐响起,宾客们纷纷走进舞池跳舞, 整个宴会厅充满了幸福和喜悦的氛围

, 新郎和新娘都要在女方家住一段时期,一般三个月或半年,有的甚至要生过一个子以后才回到男方家。塔塔尔族对待女婿如同对待亲生儿子一样。传统的塔塔尔族家庭是以一对夫妻和其子女组成的核心家庭为主,伴有一些两代夫妻的混合家庭。三四代人共同生活在一起的大家庭在塔塔尔族中很少见。

IX. Festival etiquette and customs

(i) Wedding   Ceremony

In the Daquan Tatar People Township of Qitai County, Tatar wedding ceremonies are commonly conducted in a banquet hall. As the bride, groom, and their friends alight from their wedding vehicles, they walk into the hall to the cheerful notes of an accordionist playing. At the entrance, a welcoming group awaits them, and inside the hall are esteemed relatives from both families. The newlyweds greet these relatives with salutations and embrace them warmly. With the start of ceremonial music, the wedding proceedings commence. An elder female from the bride's side takes the stage to sprinkle candies over the newlyweds and significant family members, symbolizing the dissemination of happiness and joy. After heeding advice from the elders, the couple shares a drink of honey water, illustrating the promise of a sweet marital life ahead. The official ceremony comes to an end, marking the beginning of festivities. As music fills the hall, guests take to the dance floor, creating an ambiance of pure happiness and joy.


Post-wedding, it's customary for the groom and bride to reside in the bride's home for a duration ranging between three to six months. Some couples might stay until after the birth of their first child before relocating to the groom's house. The Tatars treat sons-in-law just like their own sons. The typical Tatar family structure predominantly consists of a nuclear unit, though some families do include multiple generations. However, extensive multi-generational families are a rare sight among the Tatars.





塔塔尔族主要节日有肉孜节(开斋节)、古尔邦节(宰牲节)  、“纳鲁吾孜节”(春分) 和 “撒班节”(犁头节) 。也过春节、端午节、中秋节等节日。

撒班节是塔塔尔族特有的民族节日,亦称犁头节。“撒班”是用来犁地的新农具,它的产生结束了用十字镐翻地的岁月。因此, 撒班节是塔塔尔族的祖先为纪念先进农撒班的发明而确立的。



(ii) Saban Festival

Among the principal festivals celebrated by the Tatar people are the Ruzi Festival (Eid al-Fitr), Corban Festival (Eid al-Adha), Nowruz Festival (Spring Equinox), and the Saban Festival (Plowshare Festival). They also partake in other Chinese festivals like the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival.


The Saban Festival, also known as the Plowshare Festival, holds unique significance for the Tatar community. This festivity commemorates the advent of the 'saban,' an innovative plowing tool that heralded the end of using pickaxes for tilling. Annually, upon concluding their spring plowing, the Tatars pick a scenic venue to hold the Saban Festival. Women grace the occasion in traditional attire, whereas men don Western suits paired with characteristic small floral caps. Everywhere, faces beam with joy. The festival resonates with songs and dances, mutual congratulations, and an array of cultural and athletic performances. Traditional Tatar sports include the intriguing "race-hop" competition, wrestling, tug-of-war, sack races, and the amusing egg-and-spoon race where participants, holding the spoon in their mouths, race without letting the egg fall. The quickest runner who manages to keep the egg intact wins.


As dusk approaches, the festival's bonfire gathering ignites. With lively tunes in the backdrop, attendees dance around the fire, occasionally moving rhythmically closer and then swiftly retreating. While some choose to express their happiness through song, others whistle to boost the festive spirit. Overall, the joyous ambiance is palpable throughout.


本书是在兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心的资助下完成的, 在此,我要感谢赵利生主的大支持,感谢杨林坤处长为本书提供的大量有益的参考资料,还要感谢王建新教授无私帮助。在田野调查阶段,奇台县大泉塔塔尔族乡党委领导、同志们的热情招待和知识上的导,是我能够顺利完成图片拍摄和文字撰写的重要保障。大泉乡塔塔尔村民对我这个“陌的朋友”给予了足够的耐心与温情。当我表明来意后,他们随即邀请我参加一年一度的撒班节和场婚礼,对于这些朋友的慷慨相助,我难以用言辞表达感激之情。最后,感谢为本书顺利出版解决一系列问题的编辑老师。


This work was made possible with the generous support of the Center for Studies of Ethnic Minorities in Northwest China at Lanzhou University. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Director Zhao Lisheng for his steadfast support, to Director Yang Linkun for offering invaluable reference materials, and to Professor Wang Jianxin for his selfless assistance. During the field research phase, the hospitality and guidance from the leadership and colleagues of the Party Committee in Daquan Tatar People Township, Qitai County, were instrumental in ensuring the seamless completion of both the photography and writing for this book. The Tatar villagers of Daquan Township embraced me, a "stranger," with incredible warmth and patience. Upon expressing my intentions, they graciously invited me to their annual Saban Festival and a wedding ceremony. My heartfelt gratitude for their kindness is beyond words. Lastly, my sincere thanks to the editorial team who tackled numerous challenges, paving the way for the smooth publication of this book.

来源: 兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心