2018-05-04 | 中心动态 | 阅读量: | 收藏此文
摘要: 2018年4月1720日,巴西人类学家、华东师范大学拉美与多文化研究中心主任庄博教授(Professor Enrique Larreta)应邀到兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心开展学术交流。庄博教授为中心师生提供了两场精彩的民族学讲座,并参观了炳灵寺石窟。讲座由周传斌教授主持,中心师生
2018年4月17—20日,巴西人类学家、华东师范大学拉美与多文化研究中心主任庄博教授(Professor Enrique Larreta)应邀到兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心开展学术交流。庄博教授为中心师生提供了两场精彩的民族学讲座,并参观了炳灵寺石窟。讲座由周传斌教授主持,中心师生数十人参加。
西班牙和葡萄牙人对美洲的征服开启了一段极为痛苦的毁灭之旅, 古老的印度安文明和文化在此过程中被摧毁。从一开始,对美洲的征服就引起了关于征服权力的神学和法律讨论。印第安人是人类吗?征服者对印第安人的土地和身体有权力吗?1550年,在西班牙的巴利亚多利德就这些政治和宗教的热点问题展开了一场激烈的讨论。一方是西班牙著名的人文主义者即内斯·德·赛普维达(Ginés de Sepúlveda),另一方是巴托洛梅·德拉斯·卡萨斯(Bartolomé de las Casas), 他则激烈批评西班牙的政府行为,捍卫印第安人的权利。二者之间的论战反映出了当时社会的深层分裂。
在这个历史性时刻,埃尔南·科尔特斯(Hernán Cortés)在一位印第安公主的帮助下征服了阿兹特克文明。这位公主名叫玛琳澈(Malinche),后人也称她为多纳·马丽娜(Doña Marina) 。作为一位翻译和报信者,她为西班牙士兵们开启了阿兹特克帝国秘密的大门。而且,她还孕育了第一个墨西哥人,确立了拉美性格的基本特征。自那以来,拉美人就把他们自己当作美洲西班牙人和印第安人的混血人种。
随着西班牙总督辖区和西班牙治下美洲民族国家的形成,白人和混血精英领导新的政体,而幸存的印第安人受他们的领导,并且在很大程度上被他们所占有。也是在此期间,拉美出现了许多原住民的反抗运动,底层人民通过这种方式表达他们的诉求。在拉美许多地区,印第安人纷起反抗,印度安人在独立战争中起了非常重要的作用。同时,许多社会科学家和“原住民”知识分子也参与了这些运动,其中包括何塞·卡洛斯·马里亚特吉(José Carlos Mariátegui)、奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Paz)、何塞·玛丽亚·阿尔顾维达斯( José María Arguedas)、热内·萨瓦雷塔·梅尔卡多( René Zavaleta Mercado)和许多其他仁人志士。
自西方社会科学伊始,众多杰出的民族学家和社会人类学家就开始研究拉美国家,并且为拉美文化研究做出了许多重要的贡献。想必我们对于以下的学者及他们的研究也不会太陌生:弗朗兹·博厄斯(Franz Boas)和他的学生们在墨西哥和巴西做的研究,罗伯特·雷德费尔徳(Robert Redfield)在墨西哥的探索,还有艾瑞克·沃尔夫(Eric Wolf)在安第斯地区所做的研究。其中,在理论贡献上最为杰出的代表之一就是法国人类学家克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯(Claude Lévi-Strauss)。1930年代时期,列维-斯特劳斯在巴西研究、生活。自此,他的研究深刻地影响了现代社会人类学和哲学。拉美人类学家吸收了这些新概念,富有创意地阐发理论,并且将它们用于对于自己社会的研究。举例来说,墨西哥的曼纽尔·加米欧(Manuel Gamio)和巴西的吉尔贝托·弗雷雷(Gilberto Freyre)就种族和文化的边界有许多创见,古巴的费尔南多·欧蒂斯(Fernando Ortiz)阐述了从涵化到跨文化现象的理论,还有巴西的罗贝尔托·达玛塔(Roberto DaMatta)用到了克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯和路易·杜蒙(Louis Dumont)的理论。
与此同时,像皮埃尔·克拉斯特(Pierre Clastres)和菲利普·德斯克拉(Philippe Descola)这样的法国民族学家,基于他们对巴拉圭和厄瓜多尔的印第安部落的研究,为人类学理论作出了自己的贡献。他们的考察引起了许多对于自然和文化关系的原创性反思。据此,爱德华多·维威伊罗斯·德·卡斯特罗(Eduardo Viveiros de Castro)和爱德华多·科恩(Eduardo Cohn)提出了美洲印第安人视野论。在遥远的斯堪的纳维亚,弗雷德里克·巴特(Fredrick Barth)和伍尔夫·哈纳斯(Ulf Hannerz)的作品为拉美研究带来了灵感,若昂·巴切克·德·欧利维伊拉(João Pacheco de Oliveira)和其它人类学家据此阐释了亚马逊地区的“民族间的冲突”。同时,内斯特·加西亚·堪克利尼(Néstor García Canclini)和其他研究者也受到启发, 进行了一系列有关全球合一情况下的文化混杂现象。
附:庄博(Enrique Rodriguez Larreta)教授简历
Enrique Rodriguez Larreta , Social Anthropologist and Intellectual Historian, Director of the Center of Latin American and Intercultural Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai. He received his PHD from the University of Stockholm, Sweden. His main research interest are 1) Transcultural intellectual history mainly in relation with Nationalism and global modernities, 2) Social and Philosophical Anthropological theory in relation with intellectual history and philosophy. His books include Gold is Illusion, the Garimpeiros of Tapajoz Valley in the Brazilian Amazon , Gilberto Freyre , A Cultural Biography and several edited volumes and Book Chapters as Media and Social Perception (Ed), The Self in the Network ( Ed) The Global Clash of Inequalities in English, Spanish, French and portuguese.
He was the Academic Advisor of the international Conferences of the Academy of Latinity and former coordinator with Professor Candido Mendes of the UNESCO initiative Agenda of the Millenium.(1998-2001) organizing more than 40 Conferences around the world under the last 15 years with the participation of more than 200 oustanding scholars from different regions and countries.
Professor Larreta’s actual research is about the Cultural and Social transformations of National Spaces in the Age of Globalization.
Besides his academic work Professor Larreta has worked in the field of Art and Politics of Memory about the kidnapping of people and torture in the Latin America’s dirty war. (The Orletti Rapport, Installation and Exhibition presented in Montevideo ( Uruguay) and Buenos Aires (Argentina ) and he participated in the public debate in Latin America on political and cultural issues under many years.
PHD in Social Anthropology, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden ) 1998
Representative Publications and Research
Gold is Illusion. The Garimpeiros of Tapajos Valley in the Brazilian Amazonia. A study based in field research, a contribution in the field of existential anthropology. Stockholm University Press 2001
Gilberto Freyre, Uma Biografia Cultural. With Guillermo Giucci(Gilberto Freyre, a Cultural biography. the first complete historical research about the most influential thinker in Race relations and Culture in Brazil.
Casa Grande& Senzala. Gilberto Freyre ,Critical Edition for the Collection Archives , UNESCO Paris
Representation et Complexite, ( Edition and book Chapter) 1998. UNESCO
The Ethics of Future ( Editor) UNESCO 1999
Media and Social Perception ( Editor and chapter) UNESCO 2001
Identity and Difference in the Global Age ( Editor and Chapter) UNESCO 2002
Collective Imaginaries. ( Editor and book Chapter) UCAM press2003
The Self in the Network ( Editor and book chapter) UCAM press 2004
Rethinking Cultural Recognition, in Alliance of Civilization, Interculturalism and Human Rights, 2007 United Nations Report
The Democratic Imaginary in the Era of Globalization, 2011 ( Editor)
China And South America in the Global Oikoumene. The Politics of Interconnectedness in Humanity and Difference in the Global Age, 2012. Academy of Latinity Press
Post Regionalism in the Global Age, Book chapter 2014 Academy of Latinity Press
Desafiando el Futuro en la Era de la Ansiedad, en La Agenda del Futuro , Random House Mondadori , 2014
The Global Clash of Inequalities., in Shared Values in a World of Cultural Pluralism, book chapter , Academy of Latinity Press, 2015
Professional Experience
Teaching Social Sciences and Anthropology at Stockholm University , Sweden1990-1998
Director of the Institute of Cultural Pluralism, Candido Mendes University, Brazil 1998 /2016
Coordinator of Program in Cultural Theory and Multiple Modernities at the Institute of Cultural Pluralism , University Candido Mendes.
Member of the Network of Globalization (University of Chicago, Amsterdam University and CERI, Paris) 1997/ 2002
Senior Advisor and Organizer with Candido Mendes of the Conferences Agenda of the Millennia , 1998/ 2001
Senior Advisor and Co- organizer with Candido Mendes of the Conferences of the Academy of Latinity 2003/2016
Teaching at the IES Abroad, Institute of International Education of Students, 2013-2015 Brazilian Society and Culture
Navigating between Signs in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro and Shanghai. An Anthropology of Reading and translation in the Digital Age. 2016-2018 Institute of Cultural Pluralism and FLACSO, Argentina.
Visiting Professor. Si- MIan Institute, East China Normal University 2017
-Director. ( with Professor Yuan Xiaoxi) Center for Latin American and Inter Cultural Studies . EAST CHINA NORMAL UNIVERSITY From October 2017
Forthcoming Projects
Borges and China. A Study on the Remote ( book manuscript )
The Global Circumstance. ( book project)
Shadows of China ( Kafka, Buber, Benjamin, Lezama Lima) Collection of Essays
The idea of Asia and the Idea of Latin America; a Genealogical History.
Language Skills
Spanish ( mother tongue), English ( written and spoken), Swedish ( written and Spoken), Portuguese ( written and spoken) French ( reading, spoken )
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